T.I.E. Reflection

So this lesson was amazing. The kids had such a fun time with it. I was proud of myself for being able to explain the new technology they were using. The lesson calls for them to make a poster display of their graphs, uniform design, and baseball field design, but unfortunatley I was not able to finish out the lesson with them. The TAKS test interrupted our lesson and I am now done at my field site. My CT surprisingly said that she would complete the task with the students and send me an email with pictures of their final products. I wish I had the time to finish it with them because I would have loved to see all the final products. I was pleasently surprised to see that my students were so involved. I loved to see them explore with Kid Zone while they were making their graphs. There was so much exploration being done with the programs they were accessing. I was also surprised to see they took this seriously and not just as an opportunity to goof off. Overall I had a WONDERFUL experience with my TIE.

Official T.I.E Plans

So I found an awesome lesson for my TIE where I am able to incorporate a lot of the skills that I have learned this semester. My students will complete a webquest on baseball statistics. In addition to the webquest the students will have to use Kid Zone to generate graphs from their findings, and use Google Sketchup to design a basball field of their own. There will aslo be and activity for them to design their own uniforms. Although I am not the original creator of this lesson I do have to teach my students about Google Docs, Google Sketchup, and internet searching. I am very greatful for this lesson and have learned a lot about integrating technology. Sure does beat the power point I was going to do.

TIE Lesson Plan

So I found a wonderful way to integrate TIE besides using boring old power point. I am going to have the students do a webquest. More information to come......

TIE Plan

I am not quiet sure what I will do for using TIE in one of field base lessons. My CT is not very cooperative with "doing extra" as she calls it. The most that I think I can do is use powerpoint presentations and smartboard presentations. Which I think is better than nothing but I am bummed that I am limited. I would like to use the new things that I have learned.  = (

Voice Threads

Voice threads is something I would have never thought of emplimenting in my classroom. I saw some really good examples for different uses of voice threads. I really liked the example where the woman was narrating her pictures from her trip to Africa. I am not sure how I could implement voice threads in my field base experience. I dont have much time as it is, and my CT is not really into utilizing new technology in her classroom. I didn't notice any really good examples of using HOTS is voice threads for math content. I have a hard time using most of the new technology in math. But overall I think that voice threads are a great tool to use if they can be utilized correctly and successfully.

Google Docs

I have never seen such a wonderful tool. Since we live in such a technological world I think that this is such a great tool to utilize. Google docs affords anyone the opportunity to access their documents whenever and wherever. I would use Google Docs if I were to have the students complete a report. i would make it a requirement for them to keep all of their documents and any other types of information in a Google Docs account. This would eliminate "Awww Miss I left it at home!"

"Blogging for HOTS": Post #1

Upon reviewing multiple blog pages for teachers of mathematics I was really impressed at the overload of information available. The first blog I navigated through was Ms.Cookies'. Ms. Cookie is a high school math teacher who seems to have her stuff together. Her blog, like the others I looked at, was not specifically designed for a class, but it does offer great information. What I liked specifically from her blog was she had an idea for a foldable where she asked questions about circles in the form of TF or Always, Sometimes, Never. An idea that I got from this was to have the kids go to their blog and do this for a quiz or if not a quiz create some form of online notes so that they could refer back to the information. The next blog I looked at belonged to Simon Job. An idea that I took away from his blog was using a student response network. I loved this idea becuase it gives a new way to assess students. I would take the stats from the days quiz and, depending on the unit, have the students use that information to create something. For example, if we were doing percents I would have them create a pie graph of the percent of students who chose each answer choice and then evaluate each question to give a reason to why someone might have chosen that answer. One of the last pages that I reviewed belonged to Jackie Ballarini. An idea that I took from her blog was from an activity she did. In this activity she asked her students three specific to help them investigate the behavior of rational functions. If I were to do this using a blog I make it an open discussion board for the students to participate in first before we came back whole group to discuss. I would have each student repsond to each of the three questions and to their peers. I enjoyed researching all of these different blogs.